Updated Message from Dr. Gray, Superintendent: Graduation, Food, Chrome Books, etc.
Dear Lincoln County SD Parents/Guardians, Staff and Community, Happy Spring Everyone! Let’s not forget that this too shall pass. We...
Dear Lincoln County SD Parents/Guardians, Staff and Community, Happy Spring Everyone! Let’s not forget that this too shall pass. We...
Download Presentation
March 18, 2020 Dear Lincoln County School District Parents/Guardians, Staff and Community, The following is an update on the March...
March 17, 2020 Dear Students, Parents/Guardians, and Community Members, Our community, our state, and much of the world are now...
Lincoln County School District will continue to feed all students during the state mandated shutdown March 16th to March 20th,...
March 13, 2020 Dear Lincoln County School District Families and Staff, Our city, our state, and much of the world...
Dear Lincoln County School District Community, We, along with districts around the state, have an important update for our students,...
Come join us at Oceanlake tonight for Family Reading Night! We’ll have fun activities, prizes, books, and PIZZA! 5:00pm-6:30pm
Two more days of Read Across Spirit Week! Thursday March 5th is Fox in Socks-Wear mix match sock! Friday March...
Low risk to Lincoln County residents Lincoln County Public Health, in close coordination with the Oregon Health Authority Public Health...