Notice! Please Read
Gastroenteritis Outbreak Notice NOTICE! We are currently experiencing many cases of gastroenteritis among our students. We are working with the...
Gastroenteritis Outbreak Notice NOTICE! We are currently experiencing many cases of gastroenteritis among our students. We are working with the...
Friendly Reminder! If parking on North side of Surf Ave, please leave room for buses AND follow ALL Parking Laws....
You are invited to HELP Center & Taft High November Family Night! When? Tonight! Wednesday November 20th Where? Taft High...
Your students name will be entered each month into a drawing if they miss ZERO or ONE day of school!...
This Fall, Stuff A Bus received over $20,000 in school supplies for The North Lincoln Schools In addition to that,...
We now have a Library Drop Box in our foyer. Please feel free to drop off your child’s library book!
ENGLISH LANGUAGE Link to video SPANISH LANGUAGE Link to video MAM LANGUAGE Link to video
Pictures are here! Some teachers sent students home with their photos on 10/31/19 and others will be putting them...
Congratulations to our winners! We had a Kindergartner and two 2nd grade parents that won the $5 Dutch Bros gift...
Who wants a chance to win a gift card?? Stop by the cafeteria and fill out our Parent Survey during...